The Urban League

Harvey's new job takes him to a lot of meetings. Some days there are one or two, and some days there are back-to-back meetings that last all day. People are passionate about their causes. Fighting for a cause requires money. The Federal Government gives money (somehow, even money it doesn't have). So these passionate people want the ear of those who make decisions about how the Federal Government doles out its money: Congressmen and Congresswomen. Harvey's boss is one of them. But Harvey's boss is busy with things like committee meetings and votes, so he can't meet with all those people. That's why he needs legislative assistants like Harvey. And that's why Harvey is continually in meetings.

Many of these meetings take place on the Hill. But because of Harvey's current circumstances--his family (the five of us) still living in Oklahoma--he travels back to the district often, and when he's here he works in the district office and meets with constituents on their turf. The last time he was here, he met with educators and administrators in Shawnee and took a tour of a school and its kitchen and cafeteria, because two of the issues he works on are education and child nutrition. He was also invited by the Regional Food Bank to see their work in action at the Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City, where the Food Bank provides lunches for children who attend day programs during spring break. Oh, and the kids and I were invited to join him.

So Thursday before last, we met Harvey at the Urban League. The receptionist greeted us and guided us down the stairs to the children's area. There we met Miss Dee, the teacher who works with the children in the programs, and Katie, the representative from the Food Bank, along with a few workers and volunteers and the six children who were attending the program that day (more would arrive later on). Miss Dee invited our children to join the group for a story time. As they participated, we chatted with her and Katie and asked questions about the partnership and some of the Food Bank operations and processes. Then it was lunch time, and our kids ate the lunches provided by the Food Bank with the others. After lunch the children did a craft and had play time. The classroom was stocked with toys, dolls, games, and books, and our kids enjoyed exploring them and playing with the other children. 

Making snail crafts

Finally we all headed outside to the playground for a few minutes, and the kids played a little longer before it was time for us to go home.

The girls at the Urban League playground

It was fun for us to have a glimpse of Harvey at work and get to participate a bit in his world. He loves this part of his job, especially getting to visit different places in the district and learn what's going on in the community, what the needs are, and how his office can help. We love him, and we're proud of what he's doing. Just wish he didn't have to do it so far away from us so much of the time.


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