I grew up in Oklahoma City, met Harvey when I was sixteen, and married him after we both graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University, where I studied English. Since then our life has proceeded mostly in five-year periods: five years in Norman, OK, where Harvey served as youth pastor and I worked as a copy editor; two years in Mozambique, doing mission work; five years in Tulsa, OK, pastoring; five years in Washington, DC, where Harvey worked on the Hill; and now two years back in Mozambique, once again as missionaries.
Along the way, Harvey and I had two biological children and adopted three more (not in that order). Gracelyn was our first; then came Tabitha and Benjamin, siblings from southwest Oklahoma; then Judah; then Asher, Harvey's biological second cousin.
I started this blog in 2013, when we first moved from Tulsa to Washington, DC (read about my initial reasons for writing here), and I have documented our journey through the years (some years with more posts, some with fewer).
Currently, in Pemba, we work alongside Mozambican Baptists to build up existing churches and plant new ones. Our kids attend a local international school where they learn in English. We are blessed to have an active and caring expat community around us as we navigate life together in this beautiful developing country.
Our family loves travel, music, games, friends, and bonfires on the beach. We have an amazing support system of family and friends in America who tirelessly pray for and encourage us, and we miss them so much. We are thankful for all the adventures God has brought to our lives, and we pray that we will faithfully obey wherever He calls us in the future.
Along the way, Harvey and I had two biological children and adopted three more (not in that order). Gracelyn was our first; then came Tabitha and Benjamin, siblings from southwest Oklahoma; then Judah; then Asher, Harvey's biological second cousin.

Currently, in Pemba, we work alongside Mozambican Baptists to build up existing churches and plant new ones. Our kids attend a local international school where they learn in English. We are blessed to have an active and caring expat community around us as we navigate life together in this beautiful developing country.
Our family loves travel, music, games, friends, and bonfires on the beach. We have an amazing support system of family and friends in America who tirelessly pray for and encourage us, and we miss them so much. We are thankful for all the adventures God has brought to our lives, and we pray that we will faithfully obey wherever He calls us in the future.