The last time we lived this far away from our parents was when we were in Mozambique. That was hard. But we didn't have kids. More important, our parents didn't have grandkids. So even though we're not as many thousand miles away from them now, in some ways this separation is harder. The kids miss their Oma and Opa and Gamie and Papa. And the grandparents miss the kids, especially since at this age they are growing so quickly--they can change a lot in just a few months. We have been chatting face to face online with them regularly, so that makes things better. But it's not the same as real live hugs and kisses and playtime together. Thankfully Oma and Opa were able to make the trip from Oklahoma to see us last weekend, in honor of the three April birthdays in our house.
On the way to pick up Oma and Opa at BWI
We had big plans, and they all worked out beautifully: the after-hours Capitol tour with our own private guide (aka Harvey), the driving tour of our neighborhood, the Friday-afternoon ice-cream run to Chick-Fil-A, the Chuck-E-Cheese birthday party (although the drive was a nightmare with the traffic), the White House Spring Garden Tour, the Braves-Nationals baseball game, the worship service Sunday morning, and the departing lunch at National Harbor in Maryland.
Happy Birthday, me! (With my handsome husband outside his building)
Tunnel entrance to the Capitol
Capitol halls at night
Oklahoma's famous Mr. Rogers in Statuary Hall
They made it! (with Sequoyah in Statuary Hall)
Floor of Statuary Hall, also the old House Chambers, where famous politicians sat (and see my pretty pink toenails?)
Kids with MLK Jr.
Capitol dome from the rotunda |
One of our heroes (for others, see above) |
Saturday evening my parents babysat so we could go on a date for my birthday. We went to a swanky steak restaurant called Charlie Palmer. I think it was the most expensive meal we've ever had. But it was pretty and delicious, and we had a view of the Mall, and they did bring us a complimentary plate of cookies and candies for dessert--so generous. After dinner we drove to Georgetown, which didn't quite live up to my expectations. It was just so crowded, and by the time we got there, most the shops were closed. Also, we had done so much walking with my parents, and Georgetown was more walking, made harder by the fact that I had on high, strappy wedge sandals and the sidewalks were cobbled and uneven. I felt like I had to watch the ground the whole time so I wouldn't trip or turn my ankle. I'm sure I looked very chic hobbling along. We did see some interesting things--the Washington Harbor and a quaint canal with locks.
The weather was mostly beautiful for their visit. The garden tour and the ballgame were both on Saturday, and it was sunny and cool. I think the garden tour was the neatest thing because we got to spend time so close to the White House. We walked along the pavement on the south lawn and saw photo displays of the different trees and flowers being planted by the different presidents and their wives through history. (One was the Clintons planting a tree in honor of the Oklahoma City bombing victims.) We also got to see the White House kitchen garden and beehives, as well as Sasha and Malia's playground.
Ready to enter the garden tour |
A beautiful day at the White House!
Tulips |
From the lawn
With Mom |
Proud Opa, happy grandkids
White House staircase (notice how the tree branches are intertwined with the rails: so pretty!) |
Best buds
The First Daughters' playground |
Guests on the lawn
The White House kitchen garden |
See, it really is!
The First Lettuce
And the First Beehives |
Cherry blossom at the kitchen garden |
The ballgame was fun too, even though the Nats lost. The kids did well, and the stadium was really nice.
Nationals Park |
The sun was bright--we all came away with a little sunburn!
Gracie the Nats fan (or maybe more of a hot dog and chips fan) |
Ball girls
Go Nats! |
The girls and I enjoyed our birthdays. Chuck-E-Cheese is always crazy, but the kids had fun, and Gracie loved all her presents. Judah was a little hurt that all the presents weren't for her after she had gotten to open so many presents on her own birthday, but she was consoled by the candy Oma gave her.
Happy Birthday, Gracie! |
It was also just nice, of course, to show my parents our home and neighborhood, our kids' school, and our church. They were easy company, flexible and patient, and my mom is always a great help around the house. And the adult:child ratio was 1:1, so we had the kids covered for a change!
We'll be looking forward to the next time we're together with my parents and to a visit from Harvey's parents sometime soon as well. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for a lovely time with two lovely and special people.
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